There are so many ways to to discover your creative flow

COLOR, WORDS, MUSIC, FOOD & ST AUGUSTINE (or wherever you live)

Carve space for yourself, even if only 5 minutes, to create magic in your life


There are so many ways to express yourself through words by writing and reading. I’ll guide you to create your own creative writing practice through FICTION, NON-FICTION, POETRY, JOURNALING & WRITING PROMPTS.


The possibilities are endless when you begin to play with color. Express yourself through ART JOURNALING, PAINT, MIXED MEDIA & COLORING


I’m not a musician, but I am married to one. Music has always freed my soul and spoken to my emotions. I’ll be sharing all things music for your own creative expression.

Without music, life would B flat.

Music is inspiring, uplifting, communicative and connecting. Whether you listen to music to spark your creative ideas, want to learn to play an instrument or learn about composers through the times, music is a wonderful creative outlet.


Cooking and eating is a creative super power! My husband calls me “The Jazz Cook” because I just love to get in the kitchen and whip up something wonderful with whatever we have in the house. How can we live creatively without having fun with our palate?


I rediscovered St Augustine in 2014 and it immediately spoke to my soul. It has nurtured my creative spirit! I’ll share all that I love about this special place.